The Musical Spot Substack
The Musical Spot
Episode 036 - Pet Sounds vs. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, part 1

Episode 036 - Pet Sounds vs. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, part 1

It's another album battle

Take a trip with me to the 1960s where flowers had power and taking LSD led to the staycation.

Pet Sounds and Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band are two legendary albums. As albums, they are awesome.

But when it is track vs. track, it takes on a new dimension.

Listen and find out who will be winning after part 1.

Thanks for listening!

#podcast #podcasting #album #battle #Beatles #TheBeachBoys #Musical #Spot

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The Musical Spot Substack
The Musical Spot
It's the spot where exploration and music come together. I will explore music I have not heard or music I have not heard in a long time. There will be theme weeks and album battles. Two albums with the same number of tracks will face off track by track.